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The combination of the short distance from the freezing Atlantic Ocean and the rapid increase in altitude causes the prevailing South East wind to roll across the vines, forming misty clouds that blanket the farm on warm days. This protects the grapes from the African sun – allowing filtered sunlight into the canopy – resulting in slow, even, optimum ripeness with perfect acidity and flavour development at moderate alcohol levels.

We own and farm all our vineyards as we believe truly great wines are grown and farmed with meticulous knowledge and attention to detail. Technology is used to monitor water stress, temperature fluctuations, radiation and photosynthesis levels and soil variations to
effectively manage and bring our vineyards into balance. Composting, physical weed removal, use of beneficial insects and bacteria, raptor poles, vine collars, cover crops between the rows and ground covers below the vines are some of the sustainable
techniques we employ at Iona.


Iona Monopole


Iona is planted to Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. A focussed approach to learning allows us to refine our style and focus on optimising the greatness we have been entrusted with. A deep trust in the way we farm, lends us to adopt natural winemaking
practices in the cellar with minimum use of sulphur, commercial yeasts, enzymes and filtration. We aim to make wines that portray the uniqueness of each vintage celebrating a true sense of place without over playing the winemaking hand.

Iona Monopole

We met Nicole as relative newcomers to the Elgin Valley ourselves, circa 2002 and have watched our farms “grow up” together.

As a family we have shared her food, enjoyed her exceptional generosity and abundance in terms of produce and hospitality. She has taught our children how to cook proper Greek food and that quality is not negotiable.

More than anyone we know Nicole and her delightful parents Chris and Tula have relentlessly and courageously pursued their vision to produce quality organic food for our tables. Her deep respect for nature and provenance has been the tie that binds us professionally.

We are honored to collaborate with Nicole and call her our friend.